Barry Taub Photo Flashbacks
© Estate of Barry Taub and The USA Boxing News
All Rights Reserved

Former Heavyweight Champion Rocky Marciano (L) with fight manager Vic Marsillo (R) in 1959 when Rocky was considering a comeback.

David Taub (top left) with former welterweight contender Lou Halpern (top center) and Lou Duva (bottom far right) at David Taub’s home bar

Rocky Marciano working out in Greenwood Lake, NY for 1951 bout with Joe Louis. The bout eventually took place before 17,241 at a sold-out Madison Square Garden.

Johnny Bratton (L) posing with Charile Fusari (R) before their fight for the vacant world welterweight title. Bratton was awarded the title via points victory over fifteeen rounds.

Middleweight Champion Sugar Ray Robinson being interviewed by actor Robert Alda (L) and fight manager Vic Marsillo (R). Robert Alda was the father of actor Alan Alda.
Heavyweight champion Jersey Joe Walcott (behind the wheel) flanked by handlers and onlookers during training for upcoming bout with challenger Rocky Marciano.

Johnny Bratton weighing in for his bout for the vacant world welterweight championship as Charlie Fusari looks on

Light Heavyweight contender Irish Bob Murphy (R) getting ready to spar in training for his 1952 bout against former world middleweight champion Jake LaMotta.

Former Welterweight Challenger Charlie Fusari (far right in tux) sitting down with New York Yankee Players Yogi Berr (second from left) and Phil Ruzzuto (seond from right) with Ruzzuto’s wife Cora and businessman Joe Iasilli (far left)

Actress Tina Louise stepping out with unidentified suitor in 1950’s. She would go on to play the part of Ginger on Gilligan’s Island.

Former Middlewight Champion Rocky Graziano (L) sitting at Charlie Fusari’s Newark restaurant with Fusari (C) and Irish Bob Murphy (R).